Most of us are greatly troubled by things happening in the world today over which we have no control. There may also be things in our own lives that trouble us and cause us much anxiety. When we are that fearful, we need someone to be with us, someone who can help; someone who is not afraid and someone who can give us inner peace.
In the Gospel according to Mark we read of just such a person who can help. It tells of the Lord Jesus Christ and the many people He helped in different ways when here on earth. One instance we read of that has real significance for troubled times is about Jesus stilling the storm.
Evening was drawing in and Jesus told His friends, the disciples, to sail their boat across the Sea of Galilee to the other shore. As they set of all was quiet but then a fierce wind got up and they were soon being tossed about by the raging waves. Jesus’ disciples were terrified, fearing they would sink as the boat was filling with water.
Overwhelmed they must have longed for Jesus to be right there to save them in their hour of need—but where was Jesus? He was at the back of the boat—asleep!
Did Jesus not hear the roaring of the wind, or feel the waves crashing into the boat or care about His friends anymore? Oh yes, He cared! Jesus knew all that was happening at that alarming time—He knows all things. The frightened crew woke Him up. They cried out ‘Master, carest thou not that we perish?’
Jesus stood up. He said to the stormy wind and waves, ‘Peace, be still’. Just three words and immediately the wind ceased and the sea became calm. His disciples were amazed that, unlike anyone else, Jesus had the power to control the wind and waves. They needn’t have been so fearful because Jesus was with them all the time.
Jesus is now in heaven but we can look to Him in faith, knowing that He hears the cries of all those who call upon Him to help and save them. The same Jesus that spoke to calm the wind and waves is still able to subdue the storms in the world and in our lives too. Jesus cares about you and wants you to come to Him and know the peace that only He can give.
‘The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth’ (Psalm 145.18).